Get Shred Ready!




Build a smarter body with less aches, and more freedom to do what you love!  

"Therefore, strengthen your feeble hands, and weak knees; make level paths for your feet, so that what is lame may be healed, and not disabled."

Hebrews 12:12 




$59/mo after

Establish a solid practice to build stronger more intelligent joints! 

See Membership

Strong resilient joints make your life more fun, and less of a pain... everywhere!


Build a smarter body capable of withstanding the chores, the unexpected slips, falls, and the unannounced three year old dive-bombing from the countertop.


Having healthy powerful joints will ensure you can enjoy your activities with less limitation, more joy,  and with greater skill much later into life! 


Having robust joints ensures fluidity, and longevity, for your repetitive, not so glorious tasks. Leaving you energized and ready for fun on the weekend.

What's forcing people to stop doing the things they love?


Their joints! 

Hi, Im Coach Ryan Egan

Husband, Father, Friend, Coach, Adrenaline Lover!

For 15 years I have been carefully guiding people to healthier, happier bodies with less aches, and greater freedom to do the things they love!

I want to play, live, and work as best as Im able for a lifetime.

I want the same for you!

My mission is to help you find freedom, joy, and power in your body! 

Join me in equipping you with a body capable of fulfilling every responsibility, nurturing every gift, and chasing every dream God  has hidden inside you. 

Life is just better with a strong happy body!

More About Ryan

2016 Ironman World Champ 70.3

"I have never run so strong off the bike"


"I was able to hike 8 miles a day in Patagonia!"
Sean Butler

Rad Dad. Skier. Lawyer

"I can ski again without backpain!"


Jaymes Hansen

Explore. Experiment. Experience.

"Movement Gym makes my body ready for fun!"
Ali Loraine

Doctor of Physical Therapy

"I am finally able to dance, and perform pain free!"
Becky Hermsmeyer


"I am able to enjoy the outdoors again"