Winter Speed & Strength
Speed and strength training classes to boost agility, reduce injury, and build explosive athleticism
Jan 9th - Feb 23rd
Thursdays 315 - 5pm
Ages 11 - 18
This class will be specific to developing connective tissue capacity, joint range of motion, end range strength, specific to running mechanic demands.
This is NOT a speed class, but rather a strength and mobility class designed to improve the common weak links limiting athletes movement capacities causing stride deficits, and increased injury risks.
Learn to run faster!
Stride Length x Stride Frequency = Total Speed
Speed can be taught! By developing proper running mechanics, improving neurological timing, and spatial awareness ANYONE can learn to run faster.
Become more agile!
Footwork, footwork, footwork! By Improving how to move your feet rhythmically and quickly in a small space you will become quicker and more athletic for ANY and every sport.
Football, Baseball, Tennis, Volleyball, Soccer, Lacrosse and much more!